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Close Range

This is the realm of fisticuffs, knife-fights, and savage animal attacks. It’s no more than a few meters (or yards) between objects, within the distance of a bounding leap or a surprise charge. At this range, firearms attacks are still deadly, but combatants have a chance to dive for cover, maneuver around the shooter, or wrestle for the gun. Opponents gain a Defense equal to the gun’s (Size + 1) against close combat firearms attacks. The target may spend Willpower to add to this Defense as normal, or may Dodge, doubling this number and rolling it as a dice pool. Each success reduces the shooter’s total successes; if it reduces the attack’s successes to zero, the shooter misses entirely. Close range generally covers anywhere between personal space and five meters (5.5 yards).

Short Range

Short range is more than a few meters between objects, but no more than 30 meters (roughly 33 yards) — about the distance between bases on a baseball field, or from one end of a suburban backyard to the other. Most thrown weapons operate at this distance, while close combat requires combat- ants to approach one another in order to fight. Close combat attacks at this distance are impossible without some form of supernatural enhancement. Some Horrors have unnaturally long arms or necks that allow them to strike at short range, for example. As a general rule, short range covers between 5 and 30 meters (5.5–33 yards). Hearing someone speaking at normal volume is difficult at this range, but raised voices or raucous laughter carry easily across the distance. Targets do not gain Defense against firearms attacks made at short range or beyond. Concealment and cover function normally.

Medium Range

The distance covered by medium range equals about the length of a high school football field. This is shouting distance. Only thrown attacks made by athletic people (or those boosted by occult power) occur at this level, unless an object is specifi- cally designed to be aerodynamic. Most ranged weapons easily cover this distance, although the shooter’s accuracy begins to suffer. Attacks and abilities used at medium range usually func- tion at a distance of between 30 and 100 meters (33–109 yards). Ranged attacks made at medium range targets suffer a –1 penalty. Most Perception rolls suffer this penalty as well. Noticing something the length of a field away is a challenge for all but the keen-eyed, while hearing is difficult unless sounds are loud. Attempting to see or hear (or smell, in some cases) fine details may suffer additional penalties at the Storyteller’s discretion. Concealment penalties to medium range attacks worsen by –1. Cover functions normally.

Long Range

Long range is the purview of rifles, highly trained ar- chers, and powers based on perception of a target. This is generally between 100 and 300 meters (109–328 yards), but can vary based on the scene’s setting. While many powers and weapons can easily reach this distance on their own, accuracy suffers unless it’s a Perception-based attack. This is generally the limit of such abilities. Ranged attack rolls and Perception rolls made at long range suffer a –2 penalty. Attempting to notice fine details may suffer additional penalties at the Storyteller’s discretion. Shooting at distant targets in cover is more difficult. Concealment levies an ad- ditional –2 penalty to long range attacks. Cover functions with an effective +1 Durability.

Extreme Range

The longest distances (300+ meters, 328+ yards) generally exceed the range of most attacks. Without the use of high- powered equipment or supernatural abilities, if a weapon can reach this distance at all the attack roll is reduced to a chance die. Some rare weapons naturally reach extreme range, such as artillery or sniper rifles. Ranged attack rolls made at extreme range (if the attack in question can even reach it) suffer a –4 penalty. Perception rolls suffer a similar penalty; those made to notice fine details are reduced to a chance die at best. Concealment penalties worsen by an additional –2. Cover functions at +2 effective Durability.

Thrown Weapons

Characters may only throw objects with a Size less than their Strength. Most thrown attacks (those made by charac- ters with Strength 3 or less) have a distance of close range. If the object is aerodynamic, add one range band. Characters with Strength 4 or 5 can throw at short range, or medium range if the weapon is aerodynamic. Only characters with vast superhuman strength (7+) or some form of powers (such as a witch’s space-warping spell) can throw objects at extreme range.