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Mages who Awaken to the Path of Thyrsus find themselves forced to survive in the Primal Wild.   This Supernal realm is nature personified.  It is simultaneously beautiful and terrifying, where the strong devour the weak.  It is in this savage, yet pure, realm that the mage’s soul is tested, and transformed, eventually finding their way towards the Watchtower of the Stone Book, where they mark their souls forever.  It is little wonder then that the mages who awaken to the Thyrsus are less heedful of society’s “laws” preferring to act in accordance of their more savage natures.

This path calls strongly towards those who are well aware of the nature of life and the spirit.  Doctors, hunters, midwives or sailors achieve an awakening to the Path, as they are more in tune with nature and the everyday miracle of life and survival.

Mages who Awaken to this path become adept at in using the Arcana of Spirit and Life.

Spirit is the Arcana of the unseen world.  It governs the matters of entities and concepts, as well as the human soul.  A mage with Spirit is capable of acting as a shaman, and intermediary between the alien entities that embody objects or concepts, coaxing them to provide answers or services on the behalf of the mage.  It is an arcana of diplomacy and cunning, built on trust or trickery to get these powerful beings to do what the mage wants.

In combat a Spirit mage uses the same cunning to thwart his enemies.  Calling and binding spirits to serve as his guardians means that a Spirit Mage is often capable of bringing more than enough backup to a fight.  Furthermore, a Spirit Mage calling on favors can enact effects similar to other Arcana by virtue of the Spirit’s Numina powers alone without the risk of Paradox.

Life is the Arcana that provides control of all living things.  With it, a mage can heal wounds, cure diseases, mend broken bones, and undo congenital defects.  On the other side of the spectrum, the same mage can choose to inflict the same, causing bones to become brittle, tumors grow in a matter of minutes, or rend gaping holes in a person’s flesh.

In combat a Life mage is capable of keeping himself alive in even the most adverse of situations.  He can alter his form to adapt certain animal traits, cause his opponents to go blind, and regenerate from life threatening wounds.  When concern for paradox is no longer a priority, he can perform even more vulgar magics such as transforming a stray dog into a swarm of wasps to assault his target.