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Innate Powers

Aura of Greatness

After some time every Scion begins to accumulate a group of loyal followers. These followers begin after some time to feel a deep seated belief in the Scion and will be more loyal than normal friends. Usually this means a Group of 10-15 People. In some rare cases it can be a bigger group. (Gain the follower Merit at (Epic) Dots.)

Born to be Kings

Every Scion is instantly and from the beginning recognized as a Member of their Pantheon and even if the Gods and other denizens of the Pantheon toy with them sometimes they will always and especially in difficult times be respectful and helpful towards them. The only exception for this are the few gods that have special reasons to hate them. Even if mortals dont share that instinctual respect they cannot ignore the feeling of having someone important standing in front of them. If someone outside the Pantheon believes in the Gods of said Pantheon they will treat the Scion with upmost respect, even if they dont know why. (Gain the Status Merit at Epic Dots.)

Scent the Divine

Each Scion is able to recognize any supernatural being on sight as what it is. They cannot see the mask of a changeling even if the changeling strengthens it. The same effect lets them see vampires as undead predators, werewolfes as wolf-human hybrids and even mages as otherworldly humans.

Somebody's watching me

Every Scion is an irreplacable part of their pantheon and as such the Gods will try whatever they can to help them survive. This is only different with Gods that directly hate them(see above). Note that the Gods hate incompetent Scions and may save them but only to punish them all by themselves. |