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Remember: Scions have Access to universal Merits and universal Styles!


Merit Rating Prerequisites Description
Relic x - Gain a Relic as Birthright of Value x
Beast x - Gain a Beast as Birthright of Value x
Mentor x - Gain a Mentor as Birthright of Value x
Follower x - Gain a Follower as Birthright of Value x
Pantheon Status x - Gain Status at specified Pantheon
God good will x - Get good will from specified god
Advanced Danger Sense •• Danger Sense In the first turn of combat, Defense gains +2 and can be applied against Firearms. If someone attempts and fails to ambush you, set your initiative to one higher than the fastest ambusher.
Advanced Direction Sense •• Direction Sense You can intuit the direction to anything you've directly sensed.
Epic Direction Sense •• Advanced Direction Sense You can sense backwards across time, locating since-destroyed objects or spending Willpower to glimpse the past.
Direct Dial Advanced Direction Sense, Occult •• Spend 1 Willpower to begin a phone call with a target you could have tracked with Advanced Direction Sense, through the nearest phone or computer.
Advanced Double Jointed Double Jointed You can fit your entire body through anything that can accommodate your head. Apply Double Jointed's grappling penalty even when you act aggressively.
Advanced Eidetic Memory Eidetic Memory After listening to someone or reading a story, the Scion is able to remember what actually happened, as long as no-one tries to actively lie or conceal something.
Epic Potential Choose one Attribute and raise its trait maximum by one dot. You may not purchase this Merit multiple times for different Attributes.
Advanced Fame • to ••• Fame The Scion is either the image of their godly parent or resonates their ideals so strongly that anyone that comes in contact with them, instantly recognizes them as someone special or outright divine. If the person in question is a follower of the scions pantheon they will recognize the Scion instantly.
Advanced Fast Reflexes Fast Reflexes ••• Roll Initiative twice and keep your choice of result.
Advanced Giant •• Giant Your effective size is increased by +3 (including Giant's bonus). This doesn't mean is larger. But their metaphysical foot print is bigger. They may even grow in size when they enter one of the supernatural realms or get bulkier.
Iron Skin • to •• Stamina ••• Add general Armor equal to your dots in this Merit to your character. This doesn't mean that you wont take damage as easily but your character does not get impaired by it as much as others.
Advanced Iron Skin • to •• Iron Skin, Stamina •••• The Scion may downgrade the Damage of one attack in a fight (lethal becomes bashing, aggravated becomes lethal, bashing stays). They have to spend one willpower for this to work.
Epic Iron Skin •• Advanced Iron Skin, Stamina ••••• The Scion may ignore the Damage of one attack completly. They have to spend all their remaining willpower for this to work(minimum 2).
Advanced Killer Instinct • to ••• Killer Instinct ••• You can apply your basic Killer Instinct against any target with no preparation. If you do prepare your Killer Instinct normally, when you attack the target, you may spend each dot in this Merit to either convert a point of lethal damage to aggravated, temporarily ruin 1/1 non-magical Armor, or ignore two points of Defense and one die of called shot penalties.
Spoor • - •••••• Fame The Scion is able to hide their divine heritage completly and seem human. When buying this merit it costs the same amount of dots like their combined fame ratings.
Advanced Striking Looks •• Striking Looks •• Add the rote quality whenever you benefit from Striking Looks.
Cult •• Epic •• You have gathered followers into a cult.

For more cool merits also check out the Dudes of Legend Merits

Birthright Scaling


1 - One in a Million, best in the world 2 - Relic improved by supernatural means 3 - Relic like 2 with a magic effect (minor) 4 - Relic like before with a major magic effect 5 - Almost god-like, difficult to control


1 - Absolutely loyal companion that is broadly educated in many fields or an icon in one 2 - Wise Mentor Legend in their field and still mortal 3 - Supernatural Mentor with some experience 4 - Powerful supernatural mentor 5 - Epic supernal or supernatural being, one of a kind, has the permission of the pantheon to overrule the Scion if a decision seems unwise


1 - "Normal" Animal with human intelligence and absolute loyalty can only communicate telepathically 2 - Beast-Form or superior "normal" animal with human intelligence speech as above and can use one human language 3 - Minor supernatural animal as above with the ability to communicate with every human being 4 - Major supernatural animal with useful powers high intelligence and rest as above 5 - One of a kind supernatural animal with major supernatural power highly intelligent, rest like above



1 - Local Group of capable humans that act as an loyal organization 2 - Large Organization or Company with global influence in its field (Slow to move) 3 - Supernatural Cult or Secret Society that has national influence 4 - Global Conspiracy with supernatural resources (Slow to act, not absolutely loyal, own Problems) 5 - Global Religion (individuals not necessarily connected but of all works of life)


1 - Small Team of Elite humans that either work with you or for you 2 - Small Team of Elite Warriors or Specialists that are one in a generation 3 - Small Team of Supernatural Individuals 4 - Elite Troop of Supernatural Beings 5 - Epic Band of supernaturals known throughout history