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General Purviews


The Artistry Purview belongs to Gods renowned for their mastery of poetry, dance, storytelling, and other forms of art, as well as those who fill the hearts and minds of mortal artists with inspiration.

Innate Power: You can express yourself through an artistic performance to communicate with those who experience it as though you were speaking to them, even if they don’t share a language. Only the intended recipient of the message (which can be “everyone”) can perceive it.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Enthralling Performance Indefinite All Characters Presence + Legend vs. Composure + Legend No one can look away from your art. When you put on a performance, all affected targets in range that witnesses your performance cannot stop paying attention to you.
Heartfelt Expression One Scene All Characters Presence + Legend vs. Composure + Legend Your emotions overflow into the souls of your audience. When you perform or create a work of art, you can instill it with your current emotional state or the personal feelings that inspired it. Any affected character that witnesses the performance or artwork is deeply affected.
Muse's Kiss Indefinite One Character - You breathe inspiration into a character’s heart, granting them a +3 Bonus when they roll to create art, put on a performance, or some other creative and expressive activity. You can set a single requirement the character must meet to maintain your blessing, like “tithe a tenth of your earnings to my cult” or “spend eight hours a day writing,” which ends this Boon immediately if it is not met.


This is the Purview of divine authority over the animal kingdom. It holds sway over all animals, as well as the iconic and mythological symbolism which humanity has given to them: the lion’s courage, the eagle’s swift wings and sharp eyes, and the owl’s wisdom are all part of the Beasts Purview.

Innate Power: You can speak to and understand all animals. Non-magical animals are compelled to help you. Note that they are not more intelligent than they are normally.

Name Duration Subject Description
Animal Aspect One Scene Self You choose an animal and emulate (Epic) of its iconic traits.
Beast Form One Scene Self The Scion can transform themselves into an animal they choose when they acquire this power.
Tooth and Claw One Scene Self Deal +2 lethal Damage when brawling. The Scion also gets +(Epic) Speed and Initiative.


The Beauty Purview depicts the transcendent grace and allure of those Gods known for their epic appearance. In addition to divine heights of physical appeal, this Purview is also capable of wielding and reshaping beauty itself as a fundamental force, granting blessings that manifest their recipient’s inner beauty or stripping away the good looks of foes.

Innate Power: You gain Epic as a bonus like Striking Looks (or additional to). If combined with the Fluid Appeal Knack, you get the rote quality on seduction and appearance based rolls where your beauty matters.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Draw back the Mask Condition One Character - You can bestow blessings that reveal a person’s true beauty, or curses that mar them with ugliness. Give someone the Striking Looks merit with Epic Dots or apply a negative version of that. The Curse can be resolved by making a sincere and heartfelt apology to someone the target has wronged in a significant way, or with curse-breaking magic. The Blessing goes away with the next sunrise or sunset.
Lasting Impression Indefinite One Character - You know how to flaunt your looks to kindle an irresistible infatuation. You gain a perfect impression until your target gives you what you want or until someone either points out the reality of the situation or you reject an advance from your target.
Visage great and terrible One Scene Self Presence + Epic vs Composure + Power The line between beauty and monstrosity is drawn by your hand. Your very appearance instills your enemies with the absolute terror of confronting your divinity. Anyone looking at you flees in terror or tries to hide. Supernatural targets get a clash of wills.


Chaos is the unshaped formlessness which preceded the World, and the entropic dissolution that will follow. Chaos encompasses all forms of disorder, both physical and social. Mishaps, mechanical accidents, and unintended consequences with disastrous results all fall under its Purview, as do the human experiences of confusion, social unrest, revolution, and anarchy.

Innate Power: You walk untouched through chaotic situations, taking no harm from random or haphazard dangers such as debris in a tornado, a freak traffic accident, or being trampled by shoppers on Black Friday. This does not protect you from damage that results from an action performed with intent to cause harm, like gunfire in a shootout, or environmental situations. This immunity extends to any non-magical dangerous terrain, unless a character in the scene actively created that peril with intent to harm.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Hornet's Nest One Scene Multiple Characters - You create an instant riot, all characters in your immediate vicinity will stop whatever they’re doing and create a wild and disruptive frenzy, mob, or protest — whichever is most appropriate to the circumstances. You have no control over the mob, but they’re reckless and loud and provide a good distraction.
Who made you Boss? One Scene One Character Manipulation + Legend vs. Composure + Power You strip a character of their authority over others. This suppresses any positive Attitudes or Bonds that any other character has towards the target based on any kind of political, social, or economic authority he holds over them. Negative emotions are unaffected — employees may lose all loyalty they have to their boss, but they’ll still carry the resentment from long hours or shitty wages.
Overwhelming Chaos One Scene One Machine or Character - You overload a machine’s gears or a person’s mind with concentrated entropy. A targeted character must struggle simply to maintain coherent thought. On each turn, if they wish to take an action, they must roll Wits + Resolve. Supernatural Characters get a Clash of Wills. Machines up to the size of a car can be targeted, breaking down completely until they receive maintenance. This damage is permanent.


This Purview rules over the dark of night and those things it conceals, the shadows, and all other forms of darkness that blind or deceive the eye. Lords of the night may manipulate or command the darkness and shadow, or wield its spiritual essence to confound or mislead perception. Light is antithetical to darkness, and so can be snuffed out, just as the sun inevitably falls below the horizon to plunge each day into night.

Innate Power: You can see in total darkness, even magical darkness. You can "drain" the light from an area.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Blinding Veil One Scene Multiple Characters - You can strip away the vision of any number of characters in range, imposing a blinded Condition on them for one scene. Supernatural Character get a Clash of Wills.
Phase Cloak One Scene Self - You vanish into ephemeral darkness, becoming completely invisible.This applies against electronic surveillance and even magical scrying based on sight.
Shadow Travel Instant Self - You merge with shadows and move instantly from one shadow to another, effectively teleporting through darkness. This allows for swift movement across both short and long distances.


You do not need to be told what Death is. Whether they fear it, ignore it, or embrace it, all mortals live in the shadow of their mortality. Those with this Purview hold sway both over the end of life and that which comes after death, wielding divine authority over corpses, funeral grounds, the undead, and underworlds.

Innate Power: You can see into the Twilight and communicate with Ghosts. In addition you can perceive entryways to the Underworld.

Name Duration Subject Description
Unquiet Dead One Scene One corpse or Ghost You can cause a Corpse to speak or summon a person's Ghost. For the latter you need either an anchor of that Ghost or a personal possession (yes, the grave counts). For more Information on Ghosts see Geist: The Sin-Eaters or the Book of the Dead.
The Way of all Flesh One Scene or Instant One Character You sap a character’s life force. All attacks against this target gain Aggravated Damage for one scene. Additionally their Defense is lowered by one. Alternatively can be used to destroy or banish all undead targets or ghosts inside.
Your Fault Condition One Character You burden a character with the guilt of knowing they were responsible for the death of one person. This Effect only resolves when the affected character confesses their responsibility to another person or group.


Gods of Deception are masters of illusion and misdirection, confounding the mortal mind and senses. This Purview holds sway over appearances, disguises, and mirages in addition to lies and deceit.

Innate Power: Other Characters automatically fail when trying to determine when the Scion is lying. This applies as long as the character who tries to catch him is not supernatural, in this case he triggers a Clash of Wills.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Ephemera One Scene - Manipulation + Legend vs. Cunning + Legend You create an illusory image of a person, animal, or object, up to the size of a car. The illusion is lifelike and seems completely authentic — a person breathes, a car’s engine throbs, a fire gives off heat — but it has no physical substance and cannot exert force or cause harm. It can move, but must remain within the scene. A Character who wins the Clash of Wills can see through the illusion. Attempts to touch or physically interact with an illusion go right through it, letting anyone who sees this recognize it as unreal in the absence of extraordinary circumstances.
False History Indefinite One Character Manipulation + Legend vs. Resolve + Force You can make a single, discrete change to the substantive content of a character’s memories of the last five minutes or so, such as “me and my friends were never here,” “all you saw were some feral dogs,” or “the room you were in was ornately furnished.” Once someone points out that the memory is false the target gets a roll (Intelligence + Resolve with Epic/2). If you try to alter the memory of a supernatural it provokes a Clash of Wills.
Walk Unnoticed One Scene Self Manipulation + Legend vs. Cunning + Force You slough off your identity and vanish. You do not become literally invisible — instead, people’s minds simply fail to process any distinguishing information about you. A none-supernatural character does not get a Clash of Wills.


Innate Power: You can also see into someone’s dreams by watching them while they sleep. You can also enter the dream of someone, but you can't change anything inside and the person won't notice you.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Dream Weaver Until the target next sleeps One Character - You shape a dream, and send it after someone you know — not necessarily personally, but at least well enough to provide a unique description. The next time that character goes to sleep, this Boon triggers. You choose how you appear in their dream, which may benefit your Agenda towards them.
Dream Manipulator Until the target wakes up One Character - You enter a dream of a person you watch while sleeping. You can shape their dream and change anything inside, until they wake up.
Night's Caress One Scene Multiple Character - You can put multiple targets to sleep, as long as you can see them, note that supernatural targets trigger a Clash of Wills.
Dream Extractor One Scene One Character - You can create a portal from a dream of a person you watch while sleeping into the mind-atuned twilight. This allows the dream to enter the fallen world.


This Purview governs and shapes the elemental stuff of Earth, such as stone, soil, sand, metal, and crystal. It embodies the inexorable resilience with which the mountains and canyons weather the passage of centuries and the fury of the elements, but also the terrible strength of the avalanche and the earthquake.

Innate Power: You gain Seismic Sense in a radius of Epic \(\cdot\) 10 Meters. You perceive Movement on any surface connected to the ground you're standing on and can roughly make out the Size, Weight and Speed of the moving object or person.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Shaping Hands One Scene Self - You can shape and mold stone, metal, and other earthen substances with your bare hands as though they were as malleable as clay.
Skin like Stone One Scene Self - You gain 4/4 Armor.
Vengeful Earth One Scene One Scene - The Scion hits the Earth beneath him and causes an Earthquake that destroys Strength + Epic Strength of Structure within the radius of their seismic sense.


Fertility Gods hold power over the soil in which crops take root, the bonds of family, and sexuality and childbirth. This Purview holds sway over the vitality of plants, animals, and mortals, capable of bestowing powerful blessings on fields or families. However, it also governs famine, blight, and infertility, and can lay terrifying curses by withholding the gifts of Fertility.

Innate Power: Once per session, you can radiate an aura of vitality, causing flowers and other plant life to bloom and grow. All allies within line of sight may heal all bashing damage.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Blessed Harvest Indefinite One Character - You can confer great vitality on another character with the fruits of Fertility. To use this Boon, you must prepare a meal that your target eats, offer them support in a familial role, or share a moment of physical intimacy. This blessing takes the form of a dice pool equal to Legend Spent (max: 3) times Epic (max: 5). This Dice Pool can be used for any roll.
Favor of Nature Indefinite One piece of land or one family - Yours is the power to bless, granting the natures favor at your whim. This Boon can be used on a contiguous piece of land roughly the size of a ranch or farm. Blessed land rapidly blooms with plant life, undergoing a rapid surge of growth over a matter of seconds, and eventually an entire growing season’s worth of development over the course of a week. Alternatively, you can use this Boon on a family. You must target a single member of the family, and can only affect characters that are their direct ancestors, direct descendants, or are married or otherwise joined to the targeted character. A grandfather, daughter, or husband would all be affected, but a cousin or sister-in-law would not be. All members of a blessed family are protected from natural disease. Any children conceived or born during this Boon’s duration are hale and hearty, guaranteed to survive through adolescence unless harmed by unnatural causes.
Plentiful Feast From Dusk till Dawn Multiple Characters - The Scion needs to find something they can use as a table (Preferably a big one). On this table they summon a large feast. Everyone who eats from it heals all bashing damage, all lethal damage is converted to bashing and all willpower is restored. The Participants are also in a much better mood after it.


The Purview of Fire holds sway both over literal flames, which hold power to destroy and create, and the metaphorical flames that burn in the mortal heart, from the fires of sultry passion to the illumination of enlightenment. In addition to creating and controlling literal fire, heat, and light, the miracles of this Purview can also cause sudden outbursts of passion, intense emotion, or inspiration.

Innate Power: You and your personal belongings cannot take damage or suffer any form of harm from fire, heat, or smoke inhalation. You can walk through wildfires or industrial microwaves unharmed, swim in magma for as long as you can hold your breath, and perform similar feats of fireproof heroism. Extreme cold is likewise harmless to you, as your inner fire warms you.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Eternal Flame Indefinite One fire - You imbue a fire with a spark of your divine power, making it a part of yourself. The flame expands, spreading out to the size of a large campfire if smaller. It burns indefinitely without needing additional fuel and can’t be extinguished by non-magical means. As a Simple action, you can extend your senses through the fire, letting you see, hear, and smell things as though you were there. Previous uses of this Boon end if you use it to bless a new fire.
Heaven's Fire One Action Self - You gain the ability to attack enemies with fire. Each Scion can choose a unique manifestation of Fire for their attack: throwing firebolts, heat ray vision, or triggering spontaneous combustion with an snap. You can make these attacks as Simple actions for the scene, rolled with Athletics + Dexterity. It deals aggravated damage and have a range of line of sight.
Muse of Fire One Scene Self - The Scion may control any fire they can see, change it's direction, make it bigger or smaller. In large instances or at the GMs discretion the scion may need to roll Wits + Epic.


This is the Purview of divine smiths and craftsmen, those who created legendary Relics or taught the secrets of crafts and technology to mortals. It encompasses ancient arts such as blacksmithing, carpentry, and masonry, as well as crafts of the modern era like mechanical engineering and computer programming.

Innate Power: When using a machine/weapon or any kind of tool you either gain the 8-again enhancement or rote quality if you already have that. Plus you know how to use them instinctively.

Name Description
Celestial Artifice If you or your team kills a supernatural being, you can use it's remains to build a tool, machine or weapon, that has one of their powers. Which of them is decided by the GM and should be the power which defined the being the most.
Reclaim from Ruin You can repair an item no matter how badly it is ruined. You can recreate items from their remains alone, up to the level of outright reversing entropy — reconstructing a burnt book from a pile of ashes, repairing a sword melted to slag by a dragon’s fiery breath, or retrieving files from a hard drive that’s been through a nuclear detonation.
While the Iron is hot Where others see a box of scraps, you see potential. You can roll to rig together contraptions that a mortal would normally be unable to attempt due to feasibility constraints. As long as it is notionally possible that you could complete the project with (Epic) hours of ordinary work, you can roll to attempt it.


The Purview of Fortune exerts its power through blessings and curses, manipulating that which mortals call chance and the Gods know as destiny. It exerts the subtle power of coincidence and synchronicity, contriving events and changing the World. It is not prophecy, but it can tug at the threads of Fate to arrange improbable scenarios and enable deeds that defy belief.

Innate Power: You can sense the outcome of chance based events happening around you. You can also sense when a Prophet or Sorcerer manipulates Fate with their Knacks or other powers, identifying them as the one responsible even if the effect cannot normally be perceived.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Divination Instant One Character - The Scion can look into his targets most likely future. He may ask the GM (Epic) Questions about the future. These Question may only be yes or no questions.
Fateful Summoning Instant One Character - The Scion may summon a Person or object with the help of Fate, that will arrive within one hour. This may be anyone or anything, but note that this may have dire consequences.
Boon/Curse Indefinite One Character - The Player grants the GM (Epic) times 3 fate dice for one character and decides if these are used for or against the character.


This Purview governs snowfalls and blizzards, the season of winter, and all nature of frozen climes. In addition to elemental cold and ice, it holds power over things symbolically associated with cold, such as inaction or coldheartedness, or with the season of winter, like the death of plants or hibernation.

Innate Power: You never suffer harm from extreme cold, nor difficult terrain or Complications due to snow, hail, or ice. You may walk over water or even clouds, as it turns to solid ice underfoot long enough to support you.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Cryostatis Indefinite One Characters Stamina + Epic vs Stamina + Force The Scion is able to put a character they touch into statis. The character doesn't age, breathe, is in a coma and cannot be harmed, except by fire. They stay that way until they get in contact with the Sun, a fire or the Scion wakes him up.
Blizzard One Scene All Enemies - The Scion invokes a magical blizzard within Epic times 10 meters that impairs sight almost completely and otherwise counts as an extreme Environment Level 3. This power does work indoors.
Gliding One Scene Self - The Scion can use this power to build a thin layer of ice beneath their feet and use it to glide at double their speed for as long as this boon is active. Small Ramps and angles are within the grasp of this boon.


The Health Purview governs the wellbeing and life force of humanity, with power to mend infirmity, cure disease, and cleanse toxins. Gods who hold this Purview are capable of great miracles of healing, but also hold sway over illness, pestilence, and the ravages of age, and can wield them to smite their enemies.

Innate Power: The Scion regenerates at a rate of one bashing damage per combat turn, one lethal per fifteen minutes, one aggravated per day.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Healing Hands Instant One Character - Touching a Character, the Scion can heal any injury condition. For magical ones invoke a Clash of Wills.
Plague Doctor One Scene One Character - Ask the GM the following questions: What’s wrong with this person, and how could I help them? What were this person’s last moments like? How can I end this [disease outbreak, mass poisoning, or similar crisis]? Who is responsible for this harm?
Health Boost One Day One Character - The Scion can give the target (Epic) additional Health Boxes and Speed for one day.


The Gods of Journeys hold power over the roads and routes that cross the World, from the tar and asphalt of the highways to the secret gates that lead to otherworldly realms. It governs not just movement, but also vehicles, roadways, trade routes, and the increasingly sophisticated transit infrastructure of the modern World.

Innate Power: You have an unfailing sense of direction, allowing you to find a route that leads to any point in the World as an unrolled action, unless its position is obscured by magic. You can sense the presence of an Axis Mundi or other gate between realms of existence from (Epic) miles away.

Name Duration Subject Description
City Walker One Scene Multiple Characters The Scion may use the the closeness by association of two places to travel between them. To get from one place to another, the Scion needs to find two places that share a central characteristic. The stronger the Association is for the fate of a place, the more precise is the destination the scion gets to. Eg. Travel from Chinatown to Chinatown will get the Scion somewhere in the neighborhood. Travel from the birthplace of a famous artist to the birthplace of a famous artist will get the scion to that exact address.
Blink One Action Self Teleport to a location you can see.
Step Sideways One Scene Self The Scion may walk into the Twilight, but is able to perceive the normal world while he travels through it.


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Innate Power: You can see magic as its being used including spells that conceal their user. Spells will have an afterflow (or force attribute of the user hours).

Name Duration Description
Dispell Instant To dispell magic the Scion get to throw an Clash of Wills with (Epic) * 2 + a fitting attribute.
Piggyback Instant As the Scion has sensed magic he can use it for his own agenda. The power attribute of the one who used the magic cannot be higher than (Epic) * 2. The magic can only be rerouted in a radius of (Epic) times 10 meters.
Counterspell Reflexive When you see magic being used, you can change (Epic/2) aspects of it. You can change target, duration, range. The Scion has to throw (Epic) * 2 + a fitting attribute.


This Purview holds sway over the moonlight, creating eerie light that reveals or distorts the truth. It also rules mutability and change, embodying the cyclicality of the moon’s phases through profound or subtle transformations.

Innate Power: You can radiate an aura of moonlight that cuts through darkness out to long range as a reflexive action. Only you and those you designate can perceive this illumination — others do not benefit from it. You may also reveal the true form of any shapeshifters or other transformed characters within the moonlight and instantly recognize Werewolves and the true forms of changelings even if they try to conceal themselves.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Enchanting Evening Indefinite One Character Manipulation + Legend vs. Resolve + Legend Cast in the light of the moon, things that once seemed familiar take on new meanings and reveal hidden beauty. The target of this Boon reconsiders their feelings for someone or something they see. The emotional standpoint of the person they see in the light changes to the exact opposite. Roll a Clash of Wills if the target is a supernatural being.
Three-faced Moon Indefinite Self or one Character - Drawing on symbolic ties between the waxing and waning of the moon and the cycle of human age, you transform your appearance or someone else’s. You may change their apparent age, making them seem younger or older as you choose. This makes the target seem like the ideal of its age and gives them some advantages. As a young child the innocence the Scion emanates gets people to care for them and be careful with them. As an adult they seem like the prime example of an adult human and he gets the admiration of other people and last as elder they infuse respect in those of need them.


The Order Purview holds power over those things which bind civilizations and societies together in order: the sovereignty of kings and queens, the wisdom of judges and the justice of lawgivers, codes of law, social customs, and hierarchical authority.

Innate Power: You can sense the laws that govern any jurisdiction you stand in, letting you tell whether any action you witness or contemplate would be legal according to them. Any law enforcement acting in their official capacity that attempts to take action against you for a lawful act or overreach the bounds of authority is physically unable to do so — their body betrays them in the face of true justice.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Code of Heaven One Scene Self - When you explain laws to people, as long as you’re truthful and accurate, they know that you are correct. If, as part of your explanation, you declare a person or group to be innocent, then the protection of this Purview’s innate power extends to them for this Boon’s duration. On the other hand, if you condemn someone as guilty, those who are listening to you instantly and deeply believe that that is the case.
Divine Right One Scene Self or one Character - You anoint yourself or another character as divinely proclaimed sovereign, making all who look upon them see proof of their immanent authority. In addition, for the purpose of Order Boons and marvels that care, such as Code of Heaven, it is unlawful to harm or betray the sovereign.
Nothing but the Truth Indefinite One Character Presence + Legend vs. Manipulation + Legend Your imposing presence strikes divine terror into the hearts of liars. An affected character can’t lie, omit the truth, or make any misrepresentation of a material fact, and consequently never imposes a misleading Statement on any information they give.


Gods of Passion rule over the hearts of mortals. This Purview holds sway over love, jealousy, sorrow, anger, and every other shade of human emotion, and is capable of stirring them up until they overwhelm the rational mind.

Innate Power: The Scion can see into the hearts of the people he looks at and sense their deepest wish. He also is able to hear surface thoughts as long as they concern something the person wants.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Blurt it out Indefinite One Character Presence + Legend vs. Manipulation + Force You overwhelm a character with a sudden burst of emotion. They exclaim without realizing it, unwittingly vocalizing whatever they are thinking.
Irresistible Impulse Condition One Character - You fill a character’s heart with an emotion of your choice. They gain a Condition based on that emotion — Mad as Hell, Lovestruck, Too Sad to Function, or something similar. This Condition can be resolved by taking a significant action with the potential for consequences that is motivated by the emotion — starting a bar fight, asking someone out, or skipping work would count.
Tugging at Heartstrings Till the sun next rises or sets One Character - Once you have identified a character’s Attitude towards you or someone else, you can either intensify or stifle the emotions from which it is derived. The Scion may increase some affection to mad love or change eternal love to liking someone.


The Prosperity Purview governs wealth and commerce, the prosperity of peoples and cities, and the blessings of providence laid upon a God’s chosen people. Many Gods who hold it are tutelary deities, appointing themselves as the divine patrons of a kingdom or tribe that has won their favor.

Innate Power: Your Character has virtually infinite funds. Whenever you exploit your wealth or financial status to influence someone, treat their Attitude towards you as one point higher.

Name Duration Subject Description
All that glitters Indefinite One object or location As long as an item has an mundane price or can be bought in general you know where to get it and it will be sold to you. If the item is not for sale, this provokes a Clash of Will with the Owner and only after resolving that, you are able find the owner and their possession.
Public Perception Indefinite Self In most cases and for many people money means fame. The Scion with this boon is able to regulate the perception of the society so that they can appear with any mundane status they like to. For a change of their status they need to invoke this boon again. Note that some changes e.g. a scandal may change the Scion's reputation slightly but never completely.
Divine Providence Indefinite One group or city You give your blessing to a specific group of mortals that belong to an organization or live in the same place, such as the employees of a business, the members of your cult, or the populace of a city. Your benevolence wards away economic misfortune, negating any mundane Conditions that arise from poverty or stabilizing larger-scale economies. A blessing on a city’s homeless population ensures they will fortuitously find enough resources to maintain their basic needs of sustenance and accommodation, while your favored city will weather recessions or other mis-fortune slightly better than others in the region.


This Purview is held by Gods of weather, winds, and lightning. It rules over every aspect of the sky: the soft rains that water the fields, the gentle breeze that cools, the fury of the tempest and the flashing power of the thunderbolt.

Innate Power: You have perfect foreknowledge of the weather and climate around you up to at least a day in advance, and may ignore any Complications imposed by rain, wind, or other hazardous weather.

Name Duration Subject Description
Bolt from the Blue Instant All enemies You call down a bolt of lightning, rolling an attack with (Dexterity + Athletics + Epic). It does Epic lethal damage. If you use this boon to attack enemies inside a building or outright attack a vehicle or a big object, the attack will short out any electrical system and most likely will leave the building or object burning.
Flight One Scene Self The Scion is able to fly at double his Speed. While this boon is active, do not take any damage from falling. This extends until the Scion is safely back on the ground.
Voice of seven Thunders Instant Self Your voice booms like a crashing storm. The Scion attacks with a (Presence + Athletics + Epic) roll against (Stamina + Athletics + Force). If the Scion succeeds every target within sight (in front of the Scion) gets thrown back Success time Epic Meters and suffers success bashing damage.


The Stars shine in the eternal firmament, infinitely distant from the World and yet inextricably bound to the most fundamental patterns of its existence. They offer guidance to mariners lost at sea and farmers following the cycle of the seasons, tracing out and defining the contours of both space and time through their celestial movements.

Innate Power: You can take a simple action to shift your senses to a God’s eye view. This has the same effect as looking at Google Maps that gets you pictures in real time and at the closest 20 Meters.

Name Duration Subject Description
Cosmic Perspective One Scene Self To look up at the stars is to peer into the past, witness-ing light that was shed countless eons ago. You can observe the past, specifying either a point in time or an event that occurred as far back as 1,000 years, but no more recently than the last dawn. When the Scion uses this Power they always see the past from where they stand, but they can skim forward and back as fast as they wish.
Guiding Star Indefinite One Character You create a mystical beacon that leads either directly to you, to the location that you are in when you use this Boon, or to any locale that you know well. The target of this Boon can sense the beacon from anywhere within the same realm of existence, and can navigate the way to it with a flawless sense of direction. Once a character has chosen to follow the beacon, you can divine their location as a simple action, deter-\mining the exact distance and direction to them.
Meteor Shower Instant - The Scion summons a meteorite to their current position or within their line of sight. It takes roughly 10 - Epic Minutes to hit the ground. When it hits it destroys an Area of 10 times Epic in Meters. Anyone still in this Area and not in a Bunker receives 10 times Epic Lethal Damage.


This Purview holds sway over the Sun in all its aspects, both the life giving rays that drive back winter and nourish the harvest and the scorching heat that brings drought and desert barrenness. This Purview also draws on the symbolism of the setting and rise of the Sun to promise rebirth, fulfill the hopes of those in the darkness, and purify the World of that which stalks in the night.

Innate Power: You can radiate an Aura of Sunlight which acts as true Sunlight.

Name Duration Subject Description
Blinding Glory Epic Turns - You unleash a flash of brilliant light, setting any easily flammable object within 10 times Epic aflame and any Person that looks at the scion is blinded by the light.
Hope Reborn One Scene All Characters The Scion radiates a warm light that heals any mental condition and lets the target ignore any health penalties.
Eye of the Sun One Scene All Characters The Scion becomes immune to any negative effects of heat and blinding and may use the sun like a mirror to see anything under it.


The unstopping progress of humanity in the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or as some others say the change and manipulation of the human environment is a newer and growing aspect of the tales and stories in the modern world. This everevolving thing of human inginuity also meant some changes for the gods themselves.

Innate Power: The Scion can interact any simple mechanical or electronical device within sight. Note that the scion has to actually see the controls to do something.

Name Duration Subject Description
Malfunction One Scene One Device Disable one mechanical or electronic device for one scene, up to (Epic) * 2.
Unlimited Power Condition One Device Supply a device with power as long as you touch it. This power is taxing on the scion depending on the amount of energy needed, large power consuming devices will cost the scion a lot of energy. Epic Stamina protects from this.
One last use One Scene One Device The Scion is able to use a device for one additional scene, even if it's broken or usualy no longer functional. The device has to be structurally sound but not every piece of it has to be where it should.


Innate Power: The Scion has a perfect Sense of timing/time. He always known the time and how fast it is going (relative to earth). He will always trigger a Clash of Wills if someone tries to work time related magic against him and hence will always notice it. Scion may act out two actions and choose one of them after the fact.

Name Duration Subject Description
Replay Instant - Turn back time for one scene. Everything will be set back as it was before, except of the memory of the scion. The Scion may rewind time in this manner only once per scene.
Reliving the past Instant Self The Scion may revisit a scene from earlier in his life and live it again. Entering the scene he will only have with him what he had at that moment. Any change he makes will be made permanent after the scene ends. Note: Messing with Fate with things that already happened this way is something fate detest very much and it can and will burn every stone to remind the Scion some things are best left like they are. Every scene can only be relived once in this manner.
Braving tomorrow Instant - The Scion may travel up to (Epic) Days into the future to discover what is the most likely thing to await him. Note that the Game master only has to depict the most likely future, with no guarantees especially after using this power.


As long as there has been humanity, there has been war. From the earliest skirmishes between tribes to the great wars that shaped the course of history, mortals have looked to the Gods of war for their blessing. This Purview governs strife on a conceptual level as well as armed conflict. It may shape the tide of battles, uplift the destinies of soldiers and generals, or shatter fragile edifices of peace.

Innate Power: Choose one of the following powers:
- General: Grant anyone under your command within sight immunity to wound penalties and +Epic initiative.
- One-Man-Army: Get Epic/2 rounded up Attacks each round.

Name Cost Duration Subject Description
Herald of Victory (General) - One Scene One side of battle Your blessing promises victory. All Characters on a side of your choice in a fight gain +3 Dice instead of the usual +1 for combat skill specializations.
Unstoppable Warrior (One-Man-Army) - One Scene Self The Scion gains (Epic) times health boxes and suffers no wound penalties. After the boon ends, they automatically heal half of the damage they took. If they still have more damage than they can take, they die.
Marching Orders (General) - One Scene Multiple Characters The Scion gives their soldiers the ability to telepathically share their senses and instinctively know what they're going to do.
Living Weapon (One-Man-Army) - One Scene Self The Scion can summon up to epic different weapons that they choose when they get this boon or when they increase their Epic. These Weapons have to have real counterparts and the Scion has to be able to carry them normally but any projectile weapon has infinite ammunition and the scion may choose which kind of ammunition the weapon uses. The Scion still needs to reload.
Understanding the Battlefield (General) - One Scene Self Ask the GM the following Questions: What is the best way to provoke a fight (not necessarily lethal, but definitely ugly) in the current scene? What’s the best way out of (or into) this room? Where should I look to find a tactical advantage? (e.g. a shotgun beneath the bar, corridors too narrow for a full security squad to move through, a war God’s blessed altar). What should I be on the lookout for?
Perfect Kill (One-Man-Army) One Epic Instant One Character The Scion may instantly kill a target which they have engaged in brawl. That target cannot be saved or defended.


From ancient wells and municipal waterworks to flowing rivers and vast oceans, all Water is governed by this Purview. It rules the ebb and flow of the tides, the sustaining and cleansing power of fresh water, and the untold perils of crashing waves and the deep sea.

Innate Power: You can breathe water like air and swim with flawless grace, ignoring any Complication for moving or acting underwater. You are also immune to harm from the pressure or temperature of water.

Name Duration Subject Description
Changing Tides One Scene or Instant Body of Water You exert your will over water, controlling the tides or currents that move through it. You can calm all water out to long range, making it still and placid even in the face of a hurricane, or change the direction that currents flow in, letting you reverse the direction of a river or cause a riptide to drag lost swimmers back to shore.
Reborn in the Depths One Scene Self You can heal by submerging yourself in a body of water, initially downgrading all damage by one level and healing one bashing per turn, one lethal in 15 Minutes. In addition you can use a sonar sense like a dolphin would.
Call the Kraken One Scene - The Scion sends out a call for one sea creature or swarm in (Epic) Miles which then comes to them and helps them accomplish a task.


This is the Purview of untamed lands and the flora of the wilderness, wielded by Gods of nature or plants. It rules all wilderness, from forests and jungles to desert cacti to taiga evergreens. Its miracles can animate or control plant life, preserve the wilderness against human settlement, or draw on symbolic associations of wildness to unleash the inner beast of domesticated animals or humans.

Innate Power: You move through the wilderness with a dryad’s grace, ignoring any difficult or dangerous terrain based on dense undergrowth, fallen trees, briar patches, or similar plant based hazards. Additionally the forest and plants help you hide.

Name Duration Subject Description
Call of the Wild Condition One Character For all that human civilization has progressed, it is not so far from returning to the wild as it might like to think. You can use this Boon on a human, human-like being, or domesticated animal. The target will revert to a bestial nature with minor adjustments which the Scion chooses.
Lay of the Land One Scene Self Ask the GM following questions in a wilderness area: What happened here recently? What should I be on the lookout for? Where’s my best escape route/way in/way around? What here is useful or valuable to me?
Overgrowth One Scene - You cause plants to sprout and rapidly grow from the soil, cracks in concrete, or any other surface that can support them. You can create difficult terrain anywhere within sight. For the rest of the scene, you direct the plants to attack an enemy as a simple action, rolling Presence + Survival.

Pantheon Signature Purviews

Aesir: Wyrd

The Wyrd Purview encompasses the magic used by the Æsir and their worshippers to foretell and manipulate the fates spun by the Nornir. These include galdr (spells and charms) cast through runes or chanting, spá (prophecy), and the practice of seiðr in emulation of the Nornir.

Innate Power: You have a personal fate that determines how you will die. Any death that would contradict that fate will not completely kill the character or they will come back from the dead. The final decision on what is specific enough rests with the game master.

Name Duration Subject Description
Cast the Runes One Session - Once per session, you may perform a divination by casting runes etched onto stones, strips of bark, or other objects in a ritual that takes a handful of minutes to complete. The Storyguide gives you a lead or a clue about what will happen in the near future (i.e. what they expect to happen in the current session). If you come into a situation that is unfortunate for your character like an ambush or even one of your characters getting injured or dies, you may spend another Legend to go back one Scene or take two Legend for accepting your fate. The secondary effect only works when it is part of the prediction.
Spin the Thread Instant One Character The Aesir may trade a dark fate for momentary power. They can exchange 3 Legend for 5 Fate Dice. Note that these Fate Dice are persistent across sessions.

Deva: Yoga

The yogás are disciplines that cultivate the liberation of the spirit and realization of the ultimate self through selfless action (kárma yóga), personal devotion to divinities (bhakti yóga) and the pursuit of understanding the divine ( jñana yóga). With this Purview, the Devá and their Scions may acquire divine favor and blessings through the practice of these austerities and selfless service. Conveniently, the scriptures and epics in which the Devá feature are full of tales in which the reward of selfless service just happens to be, say, a bow that shoots nukes.

Innate Power: Once per scene, when you act selflessly despite hardships in order to uphold a duty or serve someone else, you may allow another player to spend Momentum on an action without having to draw on one of their Virtues. Every point of Momentum they spend also adds another free die, as though they had the Virtuous Condition.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description

Kami: Yaoyorozu No Kamigami

Every physical object, animal, and even human soul is one of the kami. Even natural phenomena, abstract concepts, and ideas are kami. This Purview holds sway over the proverbial “Eight Million Gods,” allowing them to be spoken with and propitiated in order that they might perform miracles at the Scion’s request.

InnatePower: You can speak with the kami of objects and animals, allowing you to communicate and attempt to influence them. They have Attitude 2 towards you by default. The kami of objects have a limited degree of agency, primarily taking unrolled actions to do things the object might have done anyway. Sweet talking the kami of a car could convince it to start without keys, but not to drive around by itself.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description

Loa & Orisha: Cheval/Gun

This Purview is shared by the Òrìshà and the Loa, allowing them to take possession of their mortal worshippers. Through sacred drumming and dance, worshippers enter into a sacred trance state that makes room for the Gods to enter into them. The Òrìshà use the Yoruba word for this possession, Gún, while the Loa refer to it as Cheval to describe the way they “mount” the possessed person, as though they were a horse.

Innate Power: You can tell whether any mortal you see is possessed by a spirit or deity and identify the nature of the possessing entity. You can attempt to drive out a possessing enemy or stop Mind Control Magic with a Clash of Wills using Presence + Legend against its Resolve + Force.

Name Duration Subject Description
Dance with the Divine Indefinite Self You invite one of the Gods of your pantheon to share your body at the end of a scene-long ritual. You choose one of the God’s Purviews, gaining access to its innate powers and marvels. Alternatively, you can invite possession by one of your ancestor spirits — called égún by the Òrìshà and ghede by the Loa — to gain the benefits of having them as a Guide. In exchange, the spirit can experience the World vicariously through you, although they won’t actually interfere with your control over your body. You can only end this Boon once the spirit is ready to leave you. They never overstay their welcome out of malice, but some will press for just one more meal or one last smoke. The usual method for dealing with these spirits is to go off somewhere calm and quiet with a priest (or one of your bandmates, in a pinch), who can politely ask them to depart.
Mounting the Horse One Day One willing mortal character or clash of wills You send a part of your spirit and consciousness into the body of a mortal who’s willing to share or a supernatural with clash of wills. You can use their senses to experience the world, dictate their actions, and even use your Boons and knacks through them. The mortal remains aware of what’s going on, and can communicate mentally with you. You retain consciousness and control of your body while possessing someone else, and can take actions through either body, sometimes simultaneously: If you’re wrestling a rival Scion while guiding a possessed mortal through a first date, you’ll need to roll for both of them as a mixed action. This Boon can be used with infinite range — even across realms of existence — as long as the Scion has a personal item or body part of his target.

Manitou: Doadem

Scions may use this Purview to commune with the totemic dodaem manitou of all things: people, animals, places, and events. It allows personal communion with one’s own dodaem manitou, which brings meaningful dreams and can act as an intermediary with other manitou. It can also be used to enter into conversation with the World, asking the manitou for their favor in exchange for making offerings or abiding by a taboo. A Scion who has cultivated a strong relationship with a manitou can manifest or borrow its powers in exchange for performing a service.

Innate Power: Once each scene, you can ask a manitou for its favor as a simple action. It grants Enhancement 3 on relevant rolls for the scene, such as those to hunt a bear or pass through a forest safely. In exchange, it will either ask you for a favor (e.g. the bear’s manitou needs a new charge after the hunt) or impose a restriction (e.g. the forest manitou forbids you from harming living things). You lose the Enhancement if you don’t honor the bargain, and the offended manitou may favor your foes until you make amends with it.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description

Netjer: Heku

Heku is a tradition of magic that originated in ancient Egypt, practiced by the Netjer and their followers. It holds dominion over rebirth and the afterlife, exerting outward power in the form of sekhem, external life force, and through the manypart soul: Ren (name), Ib (heart), Sheut (shadow), Ba (personality), Ka (vital essence), and Ha (the sum of all these).

Innate Power: You hold power over those whose ren, or true name, you know. For most mortals, this is their full given name, while the ren of mythical beings, cautious occultists, or Gods require more extensive research or subterfuge to uncover. Knowledge of a character’s ren grants Enhancement 2 on rolls to gain knowledge or understanding of them.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description

Shen: Tianming

The Shén order heaven, hell, and the World through a great celestial bureaucracy. At its head is the Jade Emperor, and from him all power flows downward in the form of positions and titles, privileges and responsibilities: the Tianming, or Mandate of Heaven. This Purview holds sway over the hierarchy of the heavens as well as all mortal bureaucracies, which are seen as Worldly extensions or reflections of the celestial model.

Innate Power: You ignore all Complications from bureaucratic delay, corrupt officials, missing paperwork, long lines at the DMV, or similar obstacles that impede the right functioning of bureaucratic and official institutions.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description

Teotl: Nextlahualli

The act of sacrifice binds together the Teōtl and their worshippers in reciprocity and mutual gratitude. The Teōtl sustain the World so that humanity can live in it, and in turn their worshippers sustain their Gods through sacrificing flowers, goods, animals, and human lives. Nextlahualli, literally meaning “debt repayment,” describes the cyclical relationship of offerings and obligations at the heart of Teōtl worship. Through this Purview, the Teōtl and their Scions draw sustenance and empowerment from sacrifice and wield that power on behalf of their worshippers.

Innate Power: Each time you make a sacrifice reduce your current fate dice by the sacrifice's level as explained in base/sacrifices

Name Duration Subject Clash Description

Theoi: Metamorphosis

The mythos of the Theoi is replete with tales of transformation, old forms changed into new entities. Gods take on the shapes of animals and humans, weather and geography, even abstract forms such as thoughts or emotions. They also transform others, turning foes into beasts, lovers into flowers, and heroes into constellations. This Purview governs both kinds of transformations, allowing Theoi Scions to emulate their parents’ mutability.

Innate Power: Your mutable nature lends itself to disguise. When you conceal your identity by any means, trivial characters automatically fail to see through your deception. When you roll to disguise yourself or present yourself as someone else, you ignore any Complications from changing height, size, race, sex, or even species.

Name Duration Subject Clash Description
Change Shape One Scene Self -

You take on a form that is symbolically associated with one of your other Purviews. For example, Zeus drew on the associations of the Sky Purview to become all sorts of birds, a shower of gold, and a bull (which sounds a great deal like thunder, up close). This transformation is perfect in the details and undetectable through non-magical means, but doesn't alter any of your Attributes, Skills, or other traits.
However, depending on the form you assume, you can gain the following benefits:

  • +1 Scale on all actions with a single Physical Attribute of your choice
  • Any special forms of movement that shape possesses.
  • Any natural attacks that shape possesses.
  • Any miscellaneous abilities the Storyguide decides the shape should have, like a cloud being able to rain
Transfigure Instant One Character Wits + Epic vs Resolve + Force You transform another character into an animal or a similar animate form, as long as it does not completely prevent a character from acting (like being turned into stone) or effectively kill them (like being turned into a fish on dry land). Using this Boon on trivial characters is free, and they can be turned into trees, statuary, or other forms that incapacitate them. Transformed characters retain their normal traits, but face Complications if they attempt a task their form is unsuited to: using a computer keyboard as a chimpanzee faces a -1 Penalty, while firing a machine gun as a dog incurs a -4 Penalty. The advantages of the character's new form, such as a dog's sense of smell, can provide a Bonus of 1-3 on actions they apply to. At the end of this Boon, Scions and other characters with Force 1+ instantly revert to their true form. Mortals gain the Transformed Condition, which they must be resolved through magic before they return to normal. Trivial targets can be transformed permanently.

Tuatha de danann: geasa

Geasa (singular geis) are rules, requirements, and prohibitions written into the fabric of Fate. This Purview binds the Tuatha and their Scions to geasa of their own and lets them lay geasa on others. It can influence the behavior of those under a geis, granting the power to uphold them or tempting Gods or mortals into breaking their geasa.

Innate Power: You are under a geis. If you break it or otherwise resolve the Condition, the Storyguide should arrange for you to fall under another — either from a Tuatha or fellow Scion, one of the sidhe, the biting words of a poet, or simply mythic circumstance. Whenever the Scion encounters hardship by adhering to their geis they regain one willpower and 2 Legend.

Name Duration Subject Description
Lay Geis Condition One Character You place a geis on another character, speaking to them to explain the prohibition or obligation they must now obey. The only limitation on the geis is that the target must be capable of upholding it at the time you place it — if someone's currently wearing a red shirt, you can't geis them not to wear red. You regain the Legend spent on this Boon once the geis is broken.
Tongue of the Bard Indefinite One Character Your bard's tongue speaks of a character's prowess and deeds. Ask the Storyguide the following questions about a character you can see: What is this character's lineage (mortal, supernatural or divine)? Is the Character in any way bound to fate? What is a Deed they are best known for, are currently working on, or want to hide? What is their most prominent supernatural power? In order to receive the answer, you must speak it aloud.