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Common Covenants

Covenant Nickname Description Advantage Book
Carthian Movement Firebrands The Revolution applies mortal solutions to immortal problems with modern and experimental government. Carthian Law VTR 2e 32
Circle of the Crone Acolytes The Mother's Army venerates female divinity, painful change, and the old ways remixed for the modern world. Crúac VTR 2e 35
Invictus Establishment The Conspiracy of Silence safeguards the Masquerade with hierarchy and tradition. Invictus Oaths VTR 2e 38
Lancea et Sanctum Sanctified The Church Eternal preaches a dark faith; they are both wolves and shepherds. Theban Sorcery VTR 2e 41
Ordo Dracul Defiant The Order of the Dragon struggles to transcend the Curses through eldritch alchemies and rites. Mysteries of the Dragon VTR 2e 44
Belial's Brood Claimed Spontaneous clutches of ur-predators run riot, embracing monstrocity. Triadic Evolution NH-SB 56
VII Them The bogeymen of the All Night Society. Unknown yet feared by all the other covenants. Unknown VTR 2e 47

Contemporary Covenants

Covenant Description Advantage Book
Esoteric Order of the Golden Star An opportunistic cult of personality disguised as a tradition of blood sorcery. None NH-SB 65
Athens, Greece
17N Liberals trying to rebuild Greece, even if that means burning it all down and starting anew. Unspecified VTR 2e 241
Alecto Traditionalists who look inward to classical Greece and yearn for benevolent tyranny. Unspecified VTR 2e 241
Kataraménon Apollonian cultists who have blended their pagan traditions with Greek Orthodox Christianity. Unspecified VTR 2e 241
Ypochréosi Iron-fisted pragmatic modernists who keep the domain stable through festivals, bribes, and skulduggery. Unspecified VTR 2e 241
Beijing, China
Bureau of Childer A bureaucracy empowered to keep track of childer and police the Embrace. Unspecified VTR 2e 244
Bureau of Silence An anonymous council which takes responsibility for the Masquerade and embeds itself into mortal politics. Unspecified VTR 2e 244
Dragon’s Path Students of the Mysteries who take power from the Beast by denying its hunger. Unspecified VTR 2e 244
Way of the Dragon Students of the Mysteries who align their will with the Beast. Unspecified VTR 2e 244
Berlin, Germany
Revolutionary Council Effectively Carthians by another name, inheriting the legacy of East Berlin's only Kindred state covenant. Unspecified VTR 2e 248
Watchful Eyes A fanatical network of cells tasked by the markgraf to eliminate an unseen threat to Berlin's Kindred. Unspecified VTR 2e 248
Tokyo, Japan
Hototogisu Mortal intruders to the politics of the zaibatsu covenants, who exert influence over Kindred politics while honing occult means to defeat vampiric power. Mystery Cult Initiation VTR 2e 266
Maeda Group The muscle of the zaibatsu, legbreakers and assassins forced by changing times to shift investments from agriculture and retail into organized crime. Mind of Infinite Immutability VTR 2e 267
Takahashi Family A technocratic zaibatsu organized in a pyramid structure, entangled with industry and the Hototogisu. Free Retainers, Herd, and Haven VTR 2e 268
Ume House A spiritualist zaibatsu covenant that makes practical inroads into other concerns by selling the use of its ancient Kigan sorcery. Kigan VTR 2e 268

Historical Covenants

Covenant Description Advantage Book
Camarilla The earliest Kindred state to rule over vast territories, with jurisdiction over the dead of the Roman republic and later empire. Unspecified VTR 2e 74
Children’s Crusade Kindred tradition from the 12th to the 18th Century organized vampires Embraced as children into this covenant, until its secrets were discovered and it was destroyed. Unspecified VTR 2e 50
Gallows Post Part messenger service, part gang of highwayman, they maintained safe passage between cities for the dead of late medieval Europe. Hangman's Code VTR 2e 50
DE 266
DEC 92
Legion of the Dead Between the fall of the Camarilla and the High Medieval, the Kindred's professional armies devolved into this rowdy legion for hire, rich with cursed relics and spoils of war. Unspecified VTR 2e 50
Tenth Choir Blasphemers who drink the blood of angels and flaunt the Blood as the power to murder God. Therion VTR 2e 51
DE2 352
Abbasid Caliphate 832 CE
Ahl al-Mumit Wrathful and righteous soldiers that hunt those who revel in their monstrocity. Theban Sorcery DE2 139
al-Amin Record keepers and traditionalists who teach the Kindred's place under the law. Shahrayad's Tale DE2 139
Fir'awn Apostates and pagans who seek wisdom in old and strange ways. Crúac DE2 140
Jaliniyya Students of occult sciences who pursue practical applications of blood alchemy. Kimiya DE2 140
Britannia 400-500 CE
Circles of Mor Cells of vicious eldritch predators practicing rites of power and cruelty. Crúac DE2 110
Legion of the Green Feudal knights errant who fought against and alongside fae courts. Invictus Oaths DE2 108
Weihan Cynn An ancient and archaic British covenant of Woods-Witches who forged deals with other creatures of the night. Contracts with the Uncanny DE 270